Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Being single...

Are you single? Are you tired and fed up of being alone? Do you feel lonely that your dear ones leave you all alone even though you could do anything to make her smile? Being single is not a bad thing; it's just a hard thing to go through and can play with your emotions and self confidence. But life is not all about a single relationship.

“Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.” ~John Allen Paulos

There are some important truths about being single. Being single gives you time to be by yourself, with yourself (finally some YOU time). The time to reconnect with yourself, a time where you can talk to yourself and debate all the questions that are bouncing in your head.

If you don’t let go of the past, you will never appreciate the present. You will always cherish those chweet memories with your dear ones, but you need to stop clinging to them to live for today and plan for tomorrow. Change can sometimes be good. Your past may be so beautiful to cherish but it is not much helpful to cry over the same thing again and again. You will have to accept your past and turn the pages of your life story to make it a happy one in the present.

Being single does not have to mean being afraid to love. Your heart may have been bashed, bruised and broken. But you don’t want to feel traumatized, as you may love again. Hopefully the next someone will treasure and treat your heart with love and respect. Someone, who will hold your head and look into eyes to see if you are really fine. Even if you’re single, you still have so much to appreciate. Being single is not the end of the world. There are other problems that are more depressing than being single—hunger and homelessness, for instance.

You’re not alone when you’re single; you still have family and good friends. If you are feeling lonely, talk to your family and hang out with your friends. Sitting on your own, in a darken room with the curtains closed will do nothing for your confidence and will make you feel more pessimistic. Get out there and socialize with friends and take your mind off being single!

Don't go searching. Some say that you don't find love, love finds you. What this old saying means is love isn't something you buy, it's something that is earned and discovered. We can't go in search of love as it won't last long if we do. It has to happen by its own. It must hit us, spellbind us, and turn life topsy turvy! It has to be with us always. That's true love. It will happen to you.

Actually you don't choose your love, it will walk through your door someday and make you realize the reason why god made you wait so many days with loneliness and tears. Be Happy and of course Keep Smiling :)

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